The UK Dividend Stocks Newsletter
Helping investors build high-yield portfolios of quality dividend shares
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30-DAY FREE TRIALHelping UK investors since 2011

Mike H.
"I don’t say this lightly, but it’s been a life changing eight years. I don’t think I ever would have taken the leap to serious investing without you, so thank you for your help and guidance."

Jonathan M.
"The greatest quality I get out of my subscription is a feeling of calm. I have stopped overtrading and general market twitches no longer trouble me – no longer do I bale out of good shares on false alarms."
Following a complete, step-by-step investment strategy
Own Quality Dividend Stocks
Invest in UK companies with long track records of progressive dividend growth.
Buy Low &Â Sell High
Buy when prices are low and yields are high, and sell when the opposite is true.
Diversify Broadly
Control risk by diversifying across many companies, sectors and countries.
Learn more about the investment strategy
Regular reviews of UK dividend stocks, stock market valuations, investment strategy tips and more.
A complete step-by-step guide to building and maintaining a high-yield, low-risk portfolio of quality dividend shares.
A detailed Company Review Checklist with 25 questions to help you identify and value quality dividend shares.
Follow along with the UK Dividend Stocks Portfolio, read detailed buy and sell reviews and learn how to invest.
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Award Winning Blog & Checklist
Subscribe to the blog and get the latest posts by email, plus a free copy of the UK Dividend Stocks Checklist, a practical tool and guide for dividend investors.
Its 20+ pages cover a few dozen "rules of thumb" that replace guesswork and uncertainty with a stable, repeatable investment process.
You can download a free copy of the checklist when you subscribe to the award-winning UK Dividend Stocks Blog.
About The UK Dividend Stocks Newsletter
 Welcome to the UK Dividend Stocks website.
The mission of this website and newsletter is to empower sensible investors so they can grow their income and wealth using a step-by-step approach to investing in quality dividend stocks.
FIND OUT MOREThis website provides information and education for investors. It does not provide financial advice or recommendations to buy or sell any specific investment. If you're not sure if an investment is right for you, you should speak to a regulated financial adviser. Please read the disclaimer for more details.